Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fighting the fight

Yesterday afternoon when I got home from work, Alexa and I sat out on the deck.  Tellie and puppy Skylar were with us.  Tellie, doing her best to stay away from puppy and Skylar doing her best to get Tellie to play. It was hot, it was humid and the afternoon sun was cooking us.  It was Jersey weather outside
 and we could picture her lying against the house, panting and being absorbed looking at the trees, watching for movement of the leaves as she waited for for a breeze to blow.

Both Alexa and I had the same thought at the same time.  Jersey should be here with us.  Among the things she loved best was being with her pack, not necessarily sitting next to us but being with us, knowing we were there.  Knowing she was doing her job; keeping watch over the yard keeping critters away.

From where our chairs were, we could see the view she would have had if she was sitting on the top of the stairs.  She would sit with her butt on the deck and her long legs resting on the top step and look out over the backyards of our neighbors.  If she saw anyone, be it someone cutting their lawn or sitting on their deck, she would bark, letting them know she saw them and that she was on patrol.

As we talked about her, I started getting angry. Angry that she wasn't there.  Angry that her life had been cut short.  Angry that we were robbed of her. Angry that there was absolutely nothing we could do to prevent the lymphoma from taking her life.  I miss her and keenly feel her loss.

It got me to thinking that, god forbid, if anything happened to Tellie or Skylar I would be devastated.  It would be a horror if either contracted a cancer of some sort and they had to fight that losing battle.  We've been through it with Jersey and know the effect it has had on us.  I can't bear the thought of going through it again.

That's why it is so important to do everything possible to find a cure for the many, many forms of cancer which can potentially take the life of our beloved companions.  The National Canine Cancer Foundation is conducting research on a daily basis in a heroic attempt to eradicate the disease.

You can help them in their fight.

Making a donation to this 501(c)3 organization allows them to keep up their daily battle.  It is unfortunate that this research is so expensive to conduct and that we, as pet owners, are the ones who have to support their efforts.  There are a few grants available, there are some sponsored events to raise money but it takes more than that to sustain their work.

A donation of $5 can help them in their efforts.  For me, $5 seems a small price to pay if it means that Tellie or Skylar will not have to face a certain death sentence if they were to get cancer.

If you make a $5 through to the National Canine Cancer Foundation, I'll send you a Jersey's Place wrist band.  I wear mine not only as a memorial to my Jersey but because I believe in a cure.  One side of the orange band is debossed with a paw print and "Jersey's Place." Debossed on the other side are the words BELIEVE in a cure...and another paw print.

Go to and click the tab for donate.  The active link will take you directly to the Foundation website where you can make your contribution.

It helps me work through my grief at the loss of Jersey by knowing I've taken an active role in fighting against this awful disease which took her life much too soon.  Maybe you, too can get some comfort if you've lost a puppy or kitty friend through taking action.  Maybe you'll get satisfaction knowing you've done everything you can to protect the life of your furry companion

1 comment:

  1. As a human with cancer, I never want to see my beloved puppy go through what I did. I hope for prevention, not just a cure. Count me in !
    Debbie @
