Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A milestone reached

It's a little less than two months ago since our Jersey left us and as to be expected, I'm still feeling a giant hole and oppressive sadness in my heart from the loss.  Time seems to have slowed down.  Each day
crawls by s     l     o     w     l     y as the seconds, minutes and hours tick on.  But, I'm taking untold comfort from all those offering their support to me through my Facebook open group page Jersey's Place. It means alot to me.

What really provides comfort is the impact Jersey seems to have had on all those following us on FB.  Most members never met her; most never saw her in action, most never had the experience of being stealthily sniffed as she cautiously checked you out.  The thing that gets me are the number of folks who have told me that they HAVE come to know her through these pages and feel her spirit. They have been so touched by her that many have been inspired to take action because of her story.

Yesterday we reached a milestone.  We've raised $500 in donations for the National Canine Cancer Foundation ( through our website  Folks have been so moved by her that they have generously created a living memorial in her name by contributing to the on-going research efforts to find a cure for the many forms of canine cancer which unflinchingly robs us everyday of our beloved companions. It takes them without regard for breed, color, size, age or sex. I am gobsmacked at the number of people who are going through the same thing I am.  Even more surprising are the numbers of those beloved companions who were taken away around the same time as Jersey.  Canine Cancer is a very active, dreaded disease.  I truly believe Jersey would still be here with us if there had been a cure. Our support for this research goes a long way to sparing someone else the grief so many of us have experienced.

It's become more than our donors receiving a Jersey's Place wristband.  I think it's about the compassion people have for each other during their time of need.  At least in my experience, people are quick to act and offer support.  I am grateful for each one of them.

When I set out to do something in Jersey's memory, I wanted to do something to make myself feel better. I had no idea people would become so invested in her story.  They have.  They have been touched by her beauty and her spirit and have come to love her as much as I do.  My thanks. Love and mercy to you all.

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