The second picture was taken about two weeks after we adopted her. We lived in Santa Fe, NM. That's where she's from. We got her from the Santa Fe Animal Shelter. I think I've also shared that story in the past.
She was so little she was able to walk under the coffee table in our living room.
I share these anecdotes and pictures as a reminder that there is no time-table for grief. It will be different for everyone. I've had some folks suggest I get over it; I've had some encourage embracing the sadness as the best way to move through it. As well intentioned as folks may be, neither is the way I deal with my loss or an effective way for me to heal.
I have always been fairly open with my feelings. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and it can be obvious what I'm feeling. I telegraph my emotions and people around me pick up on it. That's just the way I am. For some reason, I'm more comfortable being open about where I am rather than stuffing it all down. I've tried it in the past by doing my best to remain stoic in the face of pain and adversity, it just doesn't work for me. I hope my openess doesn't make others squirm. That's not my intent. In this case I'm thinking if I can show what it's like for me to go through this difficult time, someone else may find it beneficial if they every are in the same situation with their beloved furry companion.
Bottom line, last night I was bummed. The picture made me sad that Jersey is gone. What it tells me is though is that I'm not ready to look at pictures of her. Right now it hurts too much. This is my time table and it's OK. There's no rush. The time will come when I'll look at them and smile; I'll be ready to remember her joy. I've just got to be aware of where I'm at in my process and honor those feelings and let them be. Let it be.
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