The day after I made my last post, a week ago today, our Jersey died.
Since then we have been grieving and mourning. The hole in my heart and our lives is beyond description. We're still reeling and can't quite yet believe she is gone.
Yesterday I posted on the FB group page "Jersey's Place" that I am taking a break from making more in-depth blog posts here. Both Alexa and I need time to come to terms with our loss. I'll keep making updates on our progress over there as we move through the next step of the process but my emotions are too raw at the moment to share extended thoughts here. There will come a time when I'll be ready to share memories and stories of her and the way in which she lived. I'd really like you to see why she was such a special being and the many different ways she she enriched my life.
I'm sorry most of you didn't have a chance to meet her. You would have loved her. You would have seen her power, her beauty and her huge spirit. You would have seen the zen like way she fully lived totally in the moment. You would have been touched.
I realize it may seem I'm overstating the impact of a dog on one's life. It may even appear I'm claiming my dog was better than your dog. That's not the case at all. I know each of you who have shared or share life experiences with a special friend who happen to be a dog or a cat, feel the same way I do; I know you hold your animals in the same high regard I hold Jersey. I know you feel things as deeply as I do. I just happen to have decided to write about it. I just thought giving voice to the special relationship I had with my Jersey Girl might let you know that someone else knows how you feel. That maybe what I have to say gives a voice to those feelings you feel as deeply as I do.
The story of Jersey's final month has been told. Suffice to say that sometime in the future I'll be able to share the richness of her life and way she fully occupied Jersey's Place.
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