I think we have moved into the routine mode and are getting used to our "new normal." That's a good thing. Dogs are such creatures of routine. They have things they like to do at the same time everyday. Jersey's was licking me in the face to get up between 4:30-5:00 in the morning; eating breakfast at about 5:30, going back to sleep in her bedroom (is it overkill that the spare bedroom became her's? She moved in and wouldn't move out for all the dog treats in the world.) Greeting me at the door when I came home for lunch, getting cold cut snacks when I would make a sandwich for lunch, etc., etc. Now her routine involves being carried outside for her morning "ablutions," me holding the bowl for her while she eats breakfast (she has to eat lying down since she can't stand up.) Being carried out for her noon time constitutional, and so on.
It's painful to see this once vital, spirit filled, powerful dog, crippled by this disease. Not to worry though she is learning to accept it. We are learning to accept it. People think we don't have her best interests in mind. They feel we are pronlonging suffering. We cannot and will not take that final step while her gentle, powerful spirit is still present, while she is still engaged in everything going on around her, while she still has such a hearty appetite, while she still so obvioulsy wants to stick around. We'll know when it's time, she'll let us know. In the meantime, while she still hungrily smells the smells outside, while she still loves to follow the sun, while she still barks at people in the street, while she still excitedly whimpers when our neighborhood fox skips by the backyard, when she still wants to go after the deer she sees in the woods, while she still licks my face in what seems like gratitude and thanks for all we're doing; she's not going anywhere except deeper into our hearts.
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